Monday, August 8, 2011


So today I received a call from the specialist office that I had to go get more blood work done for my thyroid and cushings last week. Well the results are in and they are above ↑. So for some prior info on this that in January of this year I was pulled off all my medication even birth control because my body was definitely in whack. Well its been over 7 months with nothing in my body and all the test results came back in normal range. I am actually happy about his. No more thyroid problem which is a blessing because that medication was a pain. Always having to get blood work done and always getting my dosage changed. Well now that I am all in the clearance I think that my body will start to function. I was taking heavy medication for over 8 years and the specialist said that really takes a toll on your body especially when they are constantly changing the dosage and adding to medication. We are going to try for the next two months to continue to eat healthy, and workout more. I can actually feel a difference in my body that I have never felt. I have more energy I am not as tired as much and I don't feel tight and bloated. I mean my body shows differently but I have to start somewhere. I am looking at this in a positive light that I corrected my thyroid problem and that the horrible cushings disease is scratched as well. I will keep you guys all updated and thanks for the prayers. I ♥ you all!!!

♥ B&S

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hopefully Closure

So today I went and saw a specialist and my thyroid. Let me first say that having this unknown medical problem has not been fun at all. It is one of the hardest trials that I have to deal with. Still no answers. I have to take some pill at 11pm and do a fast til 8am and get more blood work. Dr. Chao my endocrinologist said to pray it isn't Cushings since it is a really awful medical problem. I may just be one of the rare ones to have a thyroid problem and the pills make it normal but my body wants to do its own thing and I may just have to learn to deal with it. I am already started to accept that. So hopefully next week we will have more answers. I will let you all know. Please keep me in your prayers thanks.